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NACKGAMMON MASSIVE TOURNAMENTNackgammon is a game almost exactly like backgammon, its only difference being the set-up at the start of the game.This tournament has started at March, 4, 2000. You can contact the tournament director, pbmtourney by e-mail or use the PBeM message command, though you can't sign on to the tournament anymore.
TOURNAMENT RULES1. This tournament will be played in a 1-round half round-robin, which means that you will play one game against every other competitor in the tournament. Note that this means a LOT of concurrent games!2. The winner will be the one with the most wins. Doubles will not be taken into account. In case of a tie, the games played amongst the ones tied for first place will be used as a tie-breaker. If that doesn't bring a decision, there will be a play-off. 3. The tournament will end on July, 1, 2000. All games that aren't finished by that date will be declared a win for the player that has used the least time. This rule is instated to ensure players are making moves promptly. So if you would like to compete, make sure that you are able to move regularly, preferably at least one move per day. If you think you have lost a board, use the nackgammon show userid next command to check. 4. If you forfeit ANY tournament game, you will automatically lose ALL your games! 5. All games will be started by the tournament director pbmtourney and will be 'normal' nackgammon games. The PBeM server will decide who is to move first. To recognize the games you are playing in the tournament, pbmlogger will be subscribed to the games. Please make sure that you are not rejecting nackgammon games and that you haven't set a limit of nackgammon games at the start of the tournament. 6. The tournament director will keep track of the results by using the notify command, so there will be no need for sending any results to him.
THE COMPETITORSSigned on are: elloco, sharkey, rrognlie, rourke, hmmbrrgrr, hartwell, dbanks, peter, blafleur, steved, greuel, u-sha, jadzia, frans, uo9man, di, balker, pedro, axis, vivek, bjholmem, frankb33, gabriele, newfie, brittbratt, gordon, evgraf, rus, rolle, jimmay, pshulkind, noahtall, venom, kate, agostads, freimut, george, mphunter, frid, karakusk, ramberg, mefisto, kolpak, christianRonald Lokers |