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Note: Whenever you need to send a message to me,
you should send a message either to with subject:
message *your-id* *password* pbmtourney or send a message to
1. Tournament set-up.
This tournament will be a knock-out tournament. This means that each contestant
will play one other at a time. The winner of the match will advance to the
next round, the loser will be out of the tournament.
2. Match play.
Here it DOES matter by how many points you beat your opponent! So keep an eye
out for that doubling cube!
The first player to reach 10 points or more, will win the match and advance to
the next round.
Here's a complete protocol of how you should act:
- The first game in the match will be started by me. I will provide a
match-number that should be used by both players as a reference whenever
they communicate with me.
- The player to move first (the one playing 'X') must send a message to
me with subject 'match xxx: board yyyyy started'
before he makes the first move.
Here xxx is the match-number as provided by me and yyyyy is the boardnumber
given by Richard's PBeM-server.
- The game is played as usual at Richard's PBeM-server. The only exception is
that if you resign voluntarily (without your opponent doubling), and you
haven't moved any men off the board, your opponent automatically is granted a
gammon, even if the server only gives him 1 point. If you even still have men
on the bar or in your opponents' quarter, he will automatically be rewarded a
backgammon. So you should not resign unless you are doubled or have moved a
man off the board! This rule is installed to stop people from
resigning to avoid a gammon.
- The Crawford rule also applies here. It says that if you or your
opponent reach 9 points, the first next game doubles are not allowed. The games
after that, doubles can be made again.
- As soon as the game ends, the winner will send a message to
me with
subject 'match xxx: board yyyyy won by *id* by ## points'. Again
xxx is the match-number as provided by me and yyyyy is the boardnumber given
by Richard's PBeM-server.
- If no player has reached a total of 10 points or more, the winner starts
up a new game. Now step 2 and on is repeated.
3. Time restrictions.
Basically, every player can move at its own speed. But because the tournament
will be registered outside Richard's PBeM-server, you can automatically forfeit
a game when you don't make a move for a long time! If this happens, you will
automatically lose the match as well!
To make sure the tournament will not have to wait on some notoriously slow
movers, a 75%-rule is installed: if 75% of the matchups have a winner, the
remaining matches will have one week to come to a finish as well. If at the end
of this week still no winner is known, then the winner will be decided by the
following rules:
- The one with the highest total of points will be the winner.
- If both players have an equal amount of points, the one with the least time
used on the last finished game will win the match.
- If no games are finished at all, the one with the least time used on the
current, unfinished game will be the winner.
- If a player feels he/she is being treated unfair because of the above
rules, (like when the opponent took a lead and then started to move very slowly
to intentionally stall the match until the 75%-rule is enforced), a protest can
be send to me
and I will make a decision. This decision is final!
4. Matchups.
For round #2, a number of players from round #1 will be randomly chosen from
the ones that lost a finished match in the first round (that is, the match
finished before the 75%-rule was enforced) to complete the field to a 'power-of-2'
number of players.
Matchups will be completely random for each round of the tournament, except that in
round #2, no 'lucky losers' from the first round can play against eachother.
If the first round has an uneven number of competitors, one randomly
chosen player will move to the next round without having to play.
5. Participating.
If you want to participate in the tournament send a message to
me, stating
you would like to participate in the backgammon tournament and your userid at
Richard's PBeM-server.
Ronald Lokers